Latinas House Cleaning

Tips For Cleaning And Organizing Your Home Office

The home office has forced us to adapt a space to work at home, not only for ourselves, if you have children, there are probably smaller desks or tables for them inside your office. Cleanliness and order in the workplace is very important because it directly affects work performance. For this reason we must be aware and take measures to improve the conditions of the home office.
Cleanliness and order in our workplace is essential to work efficiently and responsibly. When there is clutter, dirt and elements that are not necessary, it can affect our loss of time, delays, and even cause accidents.
To maintain order, here we are going to give you 6 tips to keep your workplace clean and tidy.

1. All the elements you use to work must have their own place. Provide a pencil holder, paper trays, a place for printing, drawers and a place for coffee.
2. Separate the necessary items from the unnecessary: Identify what things you don’t use daily and put them away or throw them away. For example, old documents, post it notes that are no longer useful, used notebooks, etc. You can file and save the papers, use the drawers or throw away what no longer serves you.
3. Have a trash can: Avoid the accumulation of garbage and items on your desk that are of no use to you and throw them in the trash. Try to separate waste to recycle as much as possible.

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4. Every plug in its place. If you do not have the necessary number of outlets near your workspace, you can have a multi-outlet so that you can allocate all the electronic devices you use and thus avoid having to plug and unplug. For your office items such as the computer, printer, extra screen, cell phone charger, among others.
5. Don’t eat at the workplace. This is a bad habit, not only because of the dirt you generate on your desk, but it can also cause problems on the keyboard with food debris and also liquid spills. Furthermore, eating at your desk means not taking a lunch break which is detrimental to your health.
6. Closing of the day. When you finish working, leave everything organized and in its place.
On the other hand, your computer should be cleaned thoroughly from time to time; it is recommended to clean it every week.
• Keyboard: Shake it upside down to remove any dust and dirt inside. You can also blow on the keys to have the same effect. Then take a drink and wet it with alcohol to clean the space between the keys. Finally, clean the keyboard surface with a disinfectant towel.
• Mouse: If you have a mouse, you must keep in mind that you are handling it all the time, so it is important to clean and disinfect it, using disinfectant towels.
• Screen: Use a clean towel with a little alcohol to clean it, you can also use a glass cleaner. Dry it with a cloth towel.

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