Latinas House Cleaning

The Importance Of Attic Cleaning: Tips To Get It Done!


The attic is one of the most overlooked and forgotten rooms in the home. In fact, most homeowners don’t go in their attic unless they are putting something in storage.

It’s not wise to neglect your attic. The attic needs to be cleaned and maintained just like the other rooms in your home.

Improve Air Quality

Dust will start to settle in your attic if it’s not cleaned regularly. The dust in your attic will eventually get sucked into your air ducts and distributed throughout your home. Inhaling dust particles can affect the respiratory system and lead to decreased lung function and illnesses. Fortunately, you can get rid of these dust particles and immediately improve the air quality in your home by cleaning your attic.

Keep Pests Out

A dirty, cluttered attic will attract pests such as bugs, mice, and rats. Many of these pests—and the droppings they leave behind—carry infectious diseases that could harm someone in your family. These pests can also damage the structure of your home by chewing through wooden beams, insulation, or wires. To prevent infestations, clean your attic on a regular basis.

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Maximize Storage Space

Most homeowners store their personal belongings in the attic. But, if you haven’t cleaned your attic in a long time, there probably isn’t much storage space available. Sorting through your belongings will help you get rid of things you no longer want or need and clear up a great deal of storage space in your attic.

Improve Energy Efficiency

A dirty attic can also affect the amount of energy used in your home. How? Most attics are designed with wooden beams, walls, and perhaps even flooring. Wood naturally starts to break down over time, leading to small cracks and holes in its surface. The air inside your home can escape through these cracks and holes, which means your heating and cooling system will have to work even harder to maintain a comfortable temperature.

How To Get Your Loft Tidy And Well Organised

Once you know that your loft is going to be clean and dust-free, this is the next thing to tackle. We have the following three top tips for you:
1. Think about the types of things that you’re going to store in the loft, and ask yourself a few questions before deciding to store them up there. Am I still going to need these things and when? This is easier to answer when thinking about your seasonal items such as skiing equipment, beach umbrellas or Christmas decorations. What about random old stuff like baby toys and clothes of now teenage children? Would storing them actually save them or would they just disintegrate, and render themselves useless in a few years?
2. Our second tip is to either store them in boxes and stack them neatly or place them on shelves where they are all visible. (By the way, we can also install shelving units into your loft for the ultimate in loft organization!). For items that are in bags or boxes, carefully place a label on them with the name of the items stored within and the date if that is applicable.

3. The last one may sound a bit nerdy but it is extremely helpful to make a list of the stored items. Why not create a spreadsheet or write into a notebook a list of items, who owns it, date stored, expiry date if applicable and other notes that might come in handy? Just don’t forget to share this list with your partner or family members so you all know what the family has in storage!

4. Consider having some web shelving installed if you have a suitable loft. These are an excellent way to store your boxes at an easier to reach height. Plus, it’s the ultimate way to keep your loft really tidy.
We hope you’ve enjoyed these tips to keep your loft clean and tidy!

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