Latinas House Cleaning

Daily Habits To Keep Your House Clean And Organized

Keeping up with house maintenance doesn’t have to be a chore, and it doesn’t have to take up all of your time, either. Keeping a clean home is less about the time involved and more about consistently creating good habits that you start to follow.
The more you do them, the easier it will be. If the list seems overwhelming initially, pick one or two, then add more as you can.

Start By Making The Bed

Some people think that making the bed is a waste of time, but the truth is that it makes a massive difference in how your room looks and feels and only takes a few minutes. In addition, the day starts well, and you will feel good when you rest at night with a well-made bed. To simplify your life, try to streamline bedding as much as possible. If you love the sheets, consider minimizing the number of pillows on your bed or using a comforter big enough so you don’t have to tuck the sheets in.

Do A Load Laundry Per Day

Depending on how many loads you usually do weekly, you may only need to do this sometimes. Try to get in the habit of putting a load of laundry in the morning. If you work outside the home and don’t have the chance to take your clothes out to dry, put your machine on delay if you have that option so that when you arrive, it’s ready to take it out and put in the dryer. And also, remember to set aside some time at some point in the day to complete the upload and put it away.

Need help keeping your home clean and neat? Our maid service team can help! Contact us today!

Be Happy With Clean Enough

If you want your house to be clean and tidy, that doesn’t mean everything has to be perfect. You can follow the 80/20 rule, which means I am happy with 80% of house cleaning. Staying thinking about the small details that represent the last 20%, such as ensuring I know that every little speck is cleaned from the floor, are details that no one would notice and will take time. Instead, could you organize a deep cleaning every so often to remove those details?


Not all cleaning is the same. Make a list of what you would like to get done, then prioritize what needs to be done and what can wait until the next day or two. Given your available time, write down your top 2-3 realistic cleaning goals and stick to them before trying to do other things. I always used to hate writing lists, but I’ve found that it helps me stay focused.

Involve The whole Family

This is one that I’ve worked on lately. Yes, it’s often easier to do the work yourself, but spending time teaching your kids to do age-appropriate jobs will be better for both of you in the long run. Start by having your children clean up after themselves (putting away their coats and shoes when they come home, putting dishes in the dishwasher, cleaning their room, etc.) and add other chores as possible. It’s incredible how much of a difference it can make to the overall tidiness of the house if you do these simple things. For the first few weeks you do this, you will need to be with your children a lot, but over time this will become a habit for them too, and eventually, it should be possible to do with minimal reminders.

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