Tips For Organizing Your Closet
Take It All Out
Get all your clothes out of the closet and put them on the bed. Sort them in piles on the bed by type of shirts in one place, dresses in another, etc. Pull out the organizers and bins for a bare closet.
Clean your Closet With A Rag And Cleaner
Now that your closet is empty wipe down the shelves, closet rods, walls, and baseboards with your rag and cleaner, then clean any debris off the floor with a vacuum or broom. The space shouldn’t be too dirty, so it won’t take much effort for you to wipe the slate clean here.
Look At Your Closet
Consider how your closet has and hasn’t worked for you. The best property is right across the street, so think about the items you use the most, what you always have a hard time reaching, or what things would be better folded than hung if your current closet system is in good shape but has broken down, that’s great; if not, modify it!
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Ask Four Questions
Take each item out of the pile and decide if it returns to the closet. Ask yourself four questions to determine if you should keep something.” His questions are:
does it fit?
Have I used it in the last 12 months?
will i fix it
Do I feel confident in it?
As you answer the questions, make piles of clothes to save, throw away, and clothes to donate.
Fight The Urge To Overthink
You’ll recognize this stage of the process by what is a closet organization danger zone. This is when your resolve may waver, and the task may halt. Saying goodbye to your size four dress means you’re giving up your skinny old self; donating your decade-old thigh highs suggests your party youth is behind you. All this overthinking can turn a 30-minute task into a three-hour one or cause you to abandon the project altogether.
Put Your Keep Items Back In The Closet
Replace each item of clothing in the closet in roughly the correct spot and move on to the next thing. Work by type, pants, skirts, blouses, and jackets, and try to move quickly instead of getting caught up thinking about the clothes you used to wear or wear for a previous job or lifestyle. The goal is to make your closet work for who you are today.