Latinas House Cleaning

How to Best Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Have you ever gone weeks, months, or maybe even years without washing your face? Doubt it. Then why go weeks without cleaning your makeup brushes, a tool that touches your face just as much as your hands?

One part of our beauty routine that we tend to neglect quite often is ensuring that our makeup brushes are kept clean and bacteria-free. Dirty makeup brushes can transfer old makeup, germs, and bacteria to your skin each time you use them, so it is important to regularly wash your brushes to get rid of buildup. As a bonus, washing your brushes also makes them work better as well.

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Here are a few simple steps to get your brushes clean as new!

1.I use antibacterial hand soap with a skin-protecting/softening/moisturizing agent to clean your brushes. I find it does a good job because it keeps the brush bacteria-free while not stripping away the softness of each bristle thanks to the skin protective ingredient in the soap.

2.When washing your brush, make sure you work the soap in by pumping a little into your hand and stroking your moistened brush through the soap and across your palm repeatedly in a gentle back and forth motion. You will then see all the trapped colors in your brush bristles will start to seep out. Afterward, run the bristles under warm water until the water runs clear and repeat until there is no more color trapped in your brush bristles.

3.Before leaving the brushes out to dry, give them a minute or so of good, solid shaking just to expel the water that could be trapped in the base of the brush (if you don’t do this, the glue holding the bristles to the brush handle could be compromised and you might find your brush losing bristles, fast). Leave your brushes standing upright in a cup to dry overnight, and the next morning, you’ll have happy brushes. Of course, if you’re one of the lucky few who has devised a method of drying your brushes upside down, that’s even better!

Remember, if you take good care of your brushes, they will return the favor and retain their shape, not lose bristles, stay soft and supple, and last for a long time. Good luck!