Latinas House Cleaning

5 Effective Office Cleaning Tips

Everyone loves a clean workplace. Generates a huge boost in productivity, promotes optimal health and improves customer experience. The only drawback for most office workers is the time investment.
At the same time, these office cleaning tips from industry professionals can set your team up for success.
Performing daily cleaning tasks while also being responsible for your daily activities can add stress to most employees.
Follow these easy cleaning tips to keep your space looking great and smelling fresh without feeling overwhelmed.
Designate a Cleaning Supply area

Find a suitable place to put supplies with open space or any storage area to keep your office cleaning supplies. Having your cleaning supplies in one place allows you to see what you’re running out of so you can replace them before they run out.

It is also recommended to have cleaners, dusters, and wipes on hand for quick cleaning tasks. Not having cleaning supplies on hand can make a small mess that cannot be cleaned quickly if you don’t find the supplies in the right place.

Prioritize Public Areas

Your workspace gives your clients their first impression of your business. Be sure to clean public areas, such as the lobby, regularly. Public spaces should be swept and vacuumed at least once a week.
And keep your bathrooms in mind, a hot spot for dirt and disease, cleaning your bathrooms can make or break the customer’s impression of your business. Be very detailed when cleaning surfaces, toilets and mopping floors.

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Archive Documents And Add Storage

Having a space for storage, paperwork and office supplies is an easy and smart way to avoid clutter. Use file cabinets and dividers to create a filing system for your documents. You can also use storage shelves to easily file bulky items like reams of paper or boxes of pens, staples, and paper clips.
The more organized you have your paperwork and supplies, the easier it will be to hire a commercial cleaning company to perform a deep cleaning several times a year.

Clean Your Desk Daily

A good habit is to take the time to put all pens, papers, and other stationery back in their place. This not only keeps your workspace clean and organized, but also gives you a sense of closure at the end of the day.

High Dust and Low Work

Dust accumulates quickly in hard-to-reach places, including the tops of bookshelves and ceiling vents. Clean surfaces from top to bottom, starting with high shelves and corners where the wall meets the ceiling. Continue dusting all surfaces down to the floor.

Pay attention to areas behind desks and electronic devices, such as keyboards and computer monitors, because they are prone to attracting dust.

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