Latinas House Cleaning

How To Clean Your Bedroom Lightning Fast

Bedrooms are one of those sacred, special places. It’s where we cheerfully – or not – greet each new day, and it’s a place of respite from our hectic days. Unfortunately, our bedrooms may often be somewhat neglected. While some may think a messy bedroom doesn’t matter, clutter is known to increase stress and anxiety.

For a quick fix to an eternal problem, wouldn’t it be great to know how to clean your bedroom fast?

1. Set Items All In One Place

Take every item that is not already in its designated place and put in one central area. This could be on your bed, a couch or a chair. The idea is to take every item that is not where it should be and place it in one spot so you can then sift through and place items by category. For example, take all the clothes lying on the floor and books or electronics on your desk and put them on top of the bed in a pile.

2. Clean Empty Surfaces

Now that you’ve removed any items from covering desks, dressers, shelves or other areas, you can make quick work of cleaning those surfaces. Take your cleaning solution and your cloth or sponge and clean those areas thoroughly. You can also dust the surfaces as well with a dusting solution like Pledge. The benefit of doing the steps in this order is that you will be cleaning the entire surface area of a piece of furniture rather than cleaning around items on top of them. This is something people often do to save time, but doing so just perpetuates keeping the surface partially dirty. Likewise, this is the time to clean the floor as it’s now free of clothes and other items and you can make quick work of vacuuming or sweeping.

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3. Plan and Arrange Your Organizers

Take a minute to plan your next course of action, as doing so will make the next few steps go faster and smoother.
1. You will need to decide what the broad categories of items that need to be put away will be. This could be a list of categories like dirty laundry, electronic devices, loose paperwork, or toys.
2. Once you’ve decided on categories, decide where these items will go and how many storage bins or boxes you will need.
3. Now take all of your organizing solutions and arrange them against the wall so they’re easily accessible. For example, if you plan on placing items in some fabric bins, plastic storage tubs and a laundry hamper, line them up against the wall.
4. If you’re not sure which storage item will hold each category of item, you can write the category on a post-it notes or a piece of paper and place it by the storage container.

4. Remove The Trash

Go through the pile and take anything that’s trash. You can put the trash into a trash can or fill a trash bag. Once you’ve removed all the trash, tie up the bag and place it outside the door of your room. If you were using a trash can, you can put a fresh new bag into the can so you’re ready to go for your next cleaning session.

5. Fill The Laundry Hamper

Now you’re ready to start putting categories of items away. Start with your dirty laundry by gathering all the clothes in the pile and placing them into your hamper or basket. If the hamper or basket is full, place it just outside the door of your room. If it’s not ready for a full load yet, place the hamper in your closet or in whichever area of the room that it normally goes.

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